Business & Scientific forum



Harbin, China
May 19, 2024
The Northern Forum is launching a series of annual events in the Asian countries.
Throughout its history, the Northern Forum has held various events (project meetings, workshops, meetings of the Regional Coordinators Committee, General Assemblies) in different countries, including Russia, USA, Canada, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, China, Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and New Zealand.

At the suggestion of the Northern Forum Goodwill Ambassador, Executive Director of the Arctic Research Center at the Ocean University of China Professor Guo Peiqing, the Northern Forum is launching a series of annual Northern Forum events in the Asian countries, held as The Northern Forum - China, The Northern Forum – Japan, etc., which would also convene the stakeholders from other countries, interested in constructive cooperation for the sustainable development, business, scientific, educational and cultural exchange, and establishing mutually advantageous relations in all aspects.

The idea was supported by the President of Xuan Yuan Group Mr. Xue Xingfa, who suggested to investigate the possibility of organizing the first of such forums at the Group’s venue in Harbin.
The goal of the Forum - discussing the opportunities for cooperation between the Northern Forum and the regions and organizations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as other countries interested in interacting with the northern and Arctic territories.
Key topic
Taking into account a rapid development of innovative technologies in various areas of the economy, as well as the need to apply them for protecting and developing the Arctic under permafrost thawing and climate change, the host party has proposed the following key topic for discussion: The Northern Forum – China: Cooperation in Innovative Technologies for the Protection and Development of the Arctic.
The Northern Forum is a membership-based international organization that was established on 8 November 1991 in Alaska, USA. Currently, the Northern Forum has 12 member regions, as well as 9 business partners from the Russian Federation, Iceland, Norway, USA, and Japan.
XY International Group is the international corporation Xuan Yuan established in 1995. At present, it employs over 1000 people in its offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia.
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.
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Dear participants, please note that the program has been changed
Forum Program
Sunday, May 19
Transfer from EXPO to the Forum venue
Scientific forum «The Northern Forum – China: Cooperation in Innovative Technologies for the Protection and Development of the Arctic»
Introduction to the Corporation's activities
Business forum «The Northern Forum – China: Cooperation in Innovative Technologies for the Protection and Development of the Arctic»
Reception with cultural program
Transfer to the EXPO venue
  • Vladimir Vasilev
    Executive Director of the Northern Forum
  • Xue Hailong
    Executive President of Xuan Yuan Corporation, XY Group
  • Xue Xingfa
    President of Xuan Yuan Corporation, XY Group
  • Vladislav Nigmatulin
    Head of the Representative Office - Deputy Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, the region chairing The Northern Forum
  • Aisen Nikolaev
    Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
  • Grigory Ledkov
    President of the RAIPON, Representative of the Legislative Body of State Power of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Wang Wen
    Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY)
  • Yulia Morozova
    Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kamchatka Krai
  • Guo Peiqing
    Director of the Polar Center of the Ocean University of China, Goodwill Ambassador of the Northern Forum
  • Hide Sakaguchi
    President of the Ocean Policy Research Institute, Sasakawa Peace Foundation
  • Guo Hongwei
    President of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Anton Vasiliev
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the Russian Polar Explorers Association, the Northern Forum Goodwill Ambassador
  • Diulustan Borisov
    First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
  • Anatoly Nikolaev
    Rector of the North-Eastern Federal University n.a. M.K. Ammosov
  • Wang Yadong
    Dean of the School of Computer Science and Technology and the School of Software at Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Yuri Zakharinsky
    Senior Researcher of the Siberian Federal University, Deputy, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Goodwill Ambassador of The Northern Forum
  • Nikolay Dolgunov
    Chairman of the Board, JSCB Almazergienbank JSC
  • Sergey Zubkov
    General Director of the Wizard LLC
  • Qu Zhangyi
    Director, Department of Health Microbiology, Public Health College
  • Nikolay Gogolev
    Director of the Medical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University n.a. M.K. Ammosov
  • Halldor Johannsson
    Director of the Arctic Portal
  • Chen Denning
    Professor of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics
  • He ZHipeng
    Vice Dean of Heilongjiang Polytechnic
  • Irina Strelnikova
    co-director of the educational program "International Relations: European and Asian Studies", Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Regional Studies, Faculty of World Economy and World Politics, National Research University Higher School of Economics

  • Liu Hongyan
    Professor at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director of the Ecological Law Research Office, Postdoctoral Collaborative Mentor, and Director of the Russian Central Asian Legal Affairs Department at Beijing Zhongdun Law Firm
  • Pak Ling Kam
    Oriental Arts Gems International
  • Yuri Vasiliev
    Head of the Department of Road Construction Materials, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), Professor at the School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Polytechnic University
  • Alexey Skorina
    Head of the Advanced Development Department, Marine Research Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University LLC
  • Kim Yun Seek
    Honorary President of the North Economic Federation of the Republic of Korea, President, Shindong Enercom
  • Tamara Mordasova
    Head of Interregional Scientific, Technological, Business and Educational Partnership "Sustainable Development of the Far East and the Arctic", Moscow, Russia
  • Vladimir Dyadik
    First Deputy General Director, Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Leonid Vladimirov
    President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha
  • Nadezhda Kharlampieva
    Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University, Goodwill Ambassador of the Northern Forum, Ambassador of Friendship of Peoples of Shandun Province, China
Information for the participants
  • Address
    5th Chzhigu Street, 3668, Songbei Qu, Harbin
  • Transfer
    Meeting point at the Convention Center (Victories Hotel) - is indicated by the green rectangle.

    Date: May 19, 2024
    Meeting time 08:15AM.
Join us in Harbin!
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